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Career as Flight Attendant

Stream : Hospitality, Hotel management and Tourism
Sub Stream : Airline catering and Cabin services

Flight Attendant

A flight attendant keeps passengers comfortable on airplanes, but that is not his or her primary responsibility. That job is to keep passengers safe and the flight deck, where the pilot and co-pilot are, secure. Formerly called stewardesses and stewards, flight attendants serve beverages, snacks and sometimes meals. When there is an emergency, they assist passengers and help keep them calm and safe. 

Becoming a flight attendant is not for everybody. It requires the individual to be calm at all times and most importantly, be patient. It is also important for a flight attendant to be out going and compassionate. 

Having knowledge of different languages is also a plus point; however it is not a necessity. Another skill that should be possessed by individuals wanting to become flight attendants is that they must be very confident and should always have a smile on their faces. 

Flight attendants must be flexible, reliable, and willing to relocate. Flight attendants must also be problem solvers. Flight attendants should also be able to work in teams and have excellent coordination skills. 

 This career beautifully blends hospitality with travel and tourism making it an excellent choice for someone who wants to provide service to people while seeing the world.

Employment Opportunities for Flight Attendant:

Flight attendants usually have to work at all times be it nights, holidays, weekends etc because airlines run all year round without any holidays. In fact, the holiday season is one of the busiest times for flight attendants. 

Flight attendants usually have to be on duty for about 12 hours a day with the maximum limit being 14 hours. Flight attendants generally fly 65 to 85 hours a month and, along with that, usually spend approximately 50 hours a month on the ground preparing planes for flights, writing reports after flights are completed, and waiting for planes to land so that they may begin their duty.

Flight attendants will be away from their home base for at least one third of the time they are on duty. Airlines usually accommodate flight attendants in hotels as well as provide them with allowances for meals. Almost all flight attendants start their careers by working on reserve status or on call.

The work of flight attendants is very tiring because they have to stand during most of the flight and have to remain patient and pleasant regardless of how difficult the passengers may be. It is also a dangerous career to pursue in light of air crashes that have taken place over the years.

Sometimes, flight attendants have to deal with troublesome passengers and can be at risk for injury because they may have to perform their duties while the aircraft is moving. Along with this, medical problems may be incurred because of irregular sleeping and eating patterns, working in a rushed environment, and breathing recycled air.

How to become Flight Attendant?

While a high school diploma is the minimum requirement for anyone who wants to become a flight attendant, many employers prefer to hire job candidates who have a college degree. All newly hired flight attendants receive three to six weeks of formal training from their employers.

You must be at least 18 years old to work as a flight attendant, although some employers have higher minimum age requirements.

Airlines prefer to hire job candidates who have experience working with the public. There are also height requirements since flight attendants must be able to reach overhead bins. Vision must be correctable to 20/40 or better. Flight attendants must be certified by the FAA. You will have to pass a proficiency check after completing your employer's initial training program to get this certification which applies only to the specific type of aircraft on which you have received training.

Median Pay Scale / salary of Flight Attendant:

A flight attendant is paid according to her experience and the airline she works for. A fresher may earn Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 25,000 per month. A head flight attendant can earn up to Rs. 50,000 per month. Major international airlines pay Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1 lakh per month. This can differ from organisation to organisation, and the number of hours one clocks per month

Flight attendants for some airlines are offered extra wages for working on holidays or for taking on positions with additional responsibility. Flight attendants and their immediate family are legible for discounted or free air travel on their own airlines and discounted travel on other airlines.

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